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What does fear and greed mean in crypto?

Sentiment History: Crypto Fear & Greed Over Time Here is a plot of our Fear & Greed Index over the last 365 days, where a value of 0 means "Extreme Fear" while a value of 100 represents "Extreme Greed". The crypto market behaviour is very emotional. We are gathering data from the five following sources.

What is the bitcoin fear and greed index?

As a result, the Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index is the most popular and important one in the space. This index is a potential method to identify investor behavior towards Bitcoin and can be loosely applied to cryptocurrencies in general.

Why is the cryptocurrency market so fearful and greedy?

The sentiments of buyers and sellers highly impact and influence cryptocurrency markets which further leads to a “ Fear ” and “ Greed ” kind of situation. Such sentiments in the market are triggered due to multiple reasons.

Why is it important to avoid overreactions in the crypto market?

This can also further help potential crypto investors and enthusiasts to avoid an overreaction, which could otherwise lead to panic-selling or may create a blood-bath kind of situation in an already crippled crypto market.

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